Varnish is a web accelerator, which has been gaining a lot in popularity lately, because it can increase the load speed of any Internet site, sometimes even by one hundred percent, based on the content itself. This tool is occasionally referred to as a caching HTTP reverse proxy too and is used to lower the overall server load and to improve the access speed for the website visitors. Each time a visitor opens a page on a specific site, the browser request is processed by the web server and the requested data is sent as a response. If Varnish is activated, it caches the web pages that the website visitor browses and in case any of them is accessed once again, it’s fetched by Varnish and not by the web server directly. The boost in the performance is due to the fact that the accelerator processes the web requests tremendously quicker than any web server, which leads to much faster browsing speeds for the users. In case any content is changed meanwhile, the cached webpages will also be updated the next time someone accesses them.

Varnish in Cloud Hosting

You can take advantage of Varnish’s full potential and increase the loading speed of your websites regardless of the cloud hosting plan that you’ve selected and you can activate and configure the data caching platform with a couple of clicks through the simple-to-use interface offered by our advanced Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you will be able to select two separate things – how many Internet sites will use the Varnish platform, in other words – the number of instances, and how much content will be cached, in other words – the amount of memory. The latter is offered in increments of 32 megabytes and is not tied to the number of instances, so you can use more instances and less memory and the other way around. In case you’ve got a lot of content on a specific website and you get a lot of visitors, more system memory will give you a better result. You may also consider using a dedicated IP address for the Internet sites that will use Varnish. Hepsia will offer you simple 1-click controls for deleting or rebooting any instance, for clearing the cache associated with any website and for checking comprehensive logs.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated plans come with Varnish by default, so you can take full advantage of the accelerator and boost the loading speed of any site that you host on our platform. You’ll get 64 megabytes of system memory particularly for the Varnish accelerator at no extra fee and you’ll be able to add an instance with no more than a few mouse clicks through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated packages. If you want more memory, the latter is available in increments of 32 megabytes in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel and it will be at your disposal immediately. You can also add more instances as an upgrade, so you can decide whether plenty of content will be cached for a single site or if the memory will be used by different sites. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to restart or to cancel any instance, to view the system log associated with it or to delete the cached data using 1-click controls. To get the most out of the Varnish accelerator, you can allocate a dedicated IP to the websites which will employ it.

Varnish in VPS Servers

You can use the load balancing potential of Varnish with any of our VPS hosting plans if you select Hepsia as your web hosting Control Panel. The data caching platform is available by default and the memory that it will be able to utilize to cache your site content depends upon the particular Virtual Private Server package that you’ve selected, but even with the lower-end plans, you’ll have at least several hundred MB of system memory at your disposal exclusively for data caching purposes. This amount is enough to optimize the performance of numerous Internet sites. It will take a little time for you to distinguish the effects, as the Varnish platform caches the content that visitors request, but soon after that you will notice the substantially reduced load on your virtual machine and the improved website browsing speed. The Varnish caching platform will allow you to use a lower-end Virtual Private Server package for sites that would normally require a more expensive web hosting solution.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers

When you need the most powerful hosting solution and you obtain any of the dedicated web hosting plans that we offer, you can use the Varnish platform to optimize the performance of your websites at no additional fee as long as the dedicated server is ordered with our next-generation Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Its simple-to-use graphical interface will enable you to keep an eye on system processes, to delete the cached contents or to reboot any instance with one single mouse click. The smallest amount of memory that the Varnish platform can employ to cache website content is 3 GB, which is more than enough for an immense number of large-sized websites, so your server will be able to cope with a huge system load while your Internet site visitors are enjoying a smooth browsing experience. Since your dedicated machine will come with several different dedicated IPs, you will be able to use Varnish’s maximum capacity.