The term "disk space" is sometimes identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these words refer to the very same thing - the volume of info that you'll be able to upload to a cloud hosting account. The overall size of what you have is estimated by accumulating the storage space used by the entire content in the account, the most obvious being the types of files that you upload. Two more things are sometimes overlooked by various people, though - e-mails as well as databases. Larger attachments and databases of big script-driven internet sites can sometimes take a lot of disk space too. In order to employ a more recognizable analogy, the hard disk space of your PC is consumed not only by files that you download, but also by documents you write as well as software programs you add. Similarly, numerous things are counted for the hdd space your content takes on a web hosting server, in addition to the uploads.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

To match the processing power behind all our cloud website hosting plans, we have studied and implemented the perfect option about the disk space - your account is not made using just one server, but on a cluster system. Due to this fact, what we've made is a large group of servers that is focused on the file storing only, therefore you should never be worried about running out of space and having to move to some additional server since your current one cannot accommodate more information. In case extra space is needed, all we need to do is attach more machines to the cluster, so the hard drive space is inexhaustible. Of course, all our cloud hosting plans were made to be employed for websites, not for a database of big files. We also have separate machines for your databases and the emails.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

With all our semi-dedicated server plans, the hdd storage characteristic is unlimited, so that you're able to center on developing your sites the way they should be and never be worried about hitting some limit. Unlike many hosting providers that generate your accounts using one server, we use an in-house built cloud platform, that allows us to offer you truly unlimited hard disk space for each and every account. With just a single machine, there's a limited number of HDDs that you can use, not mentioning that the most common hosting Control Panels weren't made to function with several servers simultaneously. Our platform, on the other hand, includes clusters of servers for the web site databases, files and emails, and our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We'll install as many servers to all of the clusters as needed at any given time, so that the disk space is virtually limitless.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

Our VPS hosting plans offer you a large amount of hdd storage in order to fulfill all your needs and not limit the development of your websites. Naturally, if you would like to run just a single resource-hungry site or several smaller websites, you'll need extra power as a whole, so that the higher the VPS plan, the more hard disk storage you'll have. Moving between the plans is very simple and the extra storage space will be included in your account without transferring any content or stopping/restarting the server, so if you reach the storage limit of your current package, you can always upgrade with just a few mouse-clicks in your billing section. Since we supply several website hosting Control Panels with our virtual private servers, you'll have two options for your disk space control - with Hepsia, all the websites share the overall server space, while using DirectAdmin and cPanel you will be able to make separate accounts for the domains and set up a quota for every account.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

With our dedicated web hosting plans you'll get all the hard disk space that you may need for your sites, databases, emails and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage space will be at your disposal and not shared with anyone else, so you will be able to upload all the content you need - site files, personal or company archive backup copies, and many more. You'll have a minimum of 2 hard disks that work well in RAID, so that one drive will mirror the other one in real time to guarantee that all of your essential data is always secured. If you prefer, you're able to use the hard disks separately and make use of the entire space in any way you see fit. If needed, you may also get supplementary hard disks linked to the server and have even more disk space. You have the option to set up hosting accounts with pre-set hdd space allocations when you obtain the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the web hosting Control Panel. Selecting Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel solution on the order page, all of the domain names hosted on the server will share the disk space and they will be controlled through one account. In each case, our dedicated plans will meet all your demands whatever the kind of website you want to host.